Why Inconspicuousbeings you ask?

       For those of who you who may have just stumbled upon my blog as of two seconds ago, or those of you who have followed me for a while, I would like to explain what the name inconspicuousbeings means to me. 

     When I first began with the blog, I thought about what kind of content I would write about. During that time in my life I thought that my posts would be from a perspective of one who goes unnoticed. One who never attracts the attention some crave. I believed that in no point in time would I ever lust after someone who would actually return the interest. Or that I would ever impress anyone with my ability to stand my own in a social setting. To be well poised, graceful, and possibly verging on witty with my interactions. That is what sparked the idea for the inconspicuous part of the name. I thought the official definition fit perfectly. Inconspicuous – not clearly visible or attracting attention; not conspicuous. The beings part to the name was originally to begin writing as someone who feels unnoticed. Maybe even find a fellow blogger along the way who had felt similarly, and would decide to comment to tell me they knew how
I felt. Recently I have realized that at that point I felt unnoticed, but now I feel completely the opposite. I have the ability to have confidence in myself that I feel I didn’t have before. Maybe you all haven’t realized that I am a confident person through my writing. Possibly you all felt otherwise. That is because through this blog I can vent my feelings. My anger rants, sad rants, happy rants, my stories, and anything else I please. I don’t write to impress, I honestly write to share whatever raw emotions I feel. Sometimes I may not put up a confident front for you guys.  

      Inconspicuousbeings to me, no longer means going unnoticed. Now it means a community of people who can pour their thoughts, soul, ideas, feelings, etc. onto an internet website for those to hear. On WordPress, it isn’t mandatory to upload a picture of yourself to be ridiculed or attached to your writing. You’re not even required to add your official name. WordPress allows anyone who pleases, to be completely anonymous. We can secretly write how we feel about something or someone, and our thoughts and feelings can be completely confidential on our WordPress page. That is unless they know you have a blog, and avidly read it. Or they happen to see a blog post in passing, and it coincidentally is about them, written by you. Of course the only way they know it’s you is because it is the entire story about them, written from your point of view… 

      I have only told one person about my blog, and I plan to keep it that way. That way I can anonymously write my rants, and it never has to be read by the people or things they’re about. I’m not saying my blog is now going to turn into some evil internet version of the “burn book” in Mean Girls. I’m just saying that when someone happens to frustrate me, I like to know that my internet journal is only a few clicks away :P. 

      Farewell my fellow bloggers :).