Relationships and a paper for finals

Relationships are like writing a very important paper for the end of a semester, to determine whether you pass or fail that class. You may get right on top of it and get it all done and have all that time in between the deadline unburdened form your paper. But you never check and edit your work to perfection, gradually, with all that time you just made. Then there is the procrastinator, who will keep pushing off the task of writing it until he has to turn it in the next day, and then paper isn’t fulfilled, it’s empty, and displays the shallow amount of knowledge that was grasped during his cram session. Those two people turn in the paper and hope for the best, finally realizing that this is huge for their final grade. Too Little, too late. Once they get that paper back marked with an F they shake their heads, and still don’t realize they were the problem, it was never their paper.
The proper way to write a paper is to use all the time you have until your deadline, to ration out days of writing and studying for your paper. You have time to let it grow and flourish, devolving into a master piece. People wonder why you spent so much time on that paper when you could have been indulging in the selfish affairs of life. All you tell them is that you knew with just that right effort you could create a gorgeous paper.
They all laugh, but your smile never fades. You realize that you know something they don’t, and they may just never understand what it truly takes to create that type of master piece.

The third person truly knows how to treat someone (the fictitious paper), in a relationship.

Bye bye readers, this was just a random comparison I thought I’d share :p.

The girl and her teddy bear

The girl and her teddy bear.

At a young age a little girl was introduced to her brand new teddy bear. She had been given baby blankets, quirky toys, and all other sorts of stuffed animals. Nothing had sufficed, until that day.
Adults looked at her and her teddy bear, and assumed the love for him wouldn’t last long, because she had never become attached to any of her other toys. Even if she ending up becoming attached, they all knew that the love for your teddy bear as a child is only a passing faze.
Years passed by as the little girl grew, she matured, her personality evolved and changed. Yet she still had the same love for her teddy bear. She told herself that she would keep her teddy bear forever and never let him go.
While all the years were passing she also grew very possessive of her teddy. When other kids would try to take him she would get upset easily. She thought that if someone took him she didn’t know what he would do without her. They had shared their bond for so long, she knew her teddy bear could never be somebody else’s teddy bear, it just wouldn’t be the same. When anyone would take him and even threaten to hurt him, the little girl did anything to save her teddy bear from the grasps of their hands.
She and her teddy bear slept together every night, she cuddled him close never letting him go. They played together everyday, and she would hide him in her backpack so she could have him at school as well.
That little girl is now an old woman, and she has stayed with her teddy bear through thick and thin all those years. No one ever understood the love or the bond they had for each other, but they knew all along that it would last a lifetime.
In the end this wasnt a story about a girl an her teddy bear. It was a story about the love between two highschool sweet hearts, carie and teddy, that lasted forever.

You don’t know the half of it

I find it funny that even with so much knowledge, one can’t see through a forced facade. This my readers, is my post on just how little a parent can know about their child’s knowledge of worldly things. And by worldly, I mean all that junk that we see way to young that corrupts the brains of adolescents across the globe. From innuendos, to just plain knowledge about terms of different sexual actions, etc.
I don’t remember how the conversation came about, and I’m pretty sure they assumed I was spaced out, but my parents approached the topic of how people seem to pick up random knowledge purely by watching different tv programs. Then my mom proceeds to refer to me, to my dad, saying how little she thinks I grasp all the innuendos being flung about in merely a half hour episode.
Little to both of their knowledge they’re just not the type of people you would usually lead on to the fact that you are very aware of all things sexual. When watching episodes of tv with them, I will sometimes hold back my laughter due to a dirty joke, or crude comment, a character made in the show. I try to mask my amusement with a blank expression as if I didn’t get that very simple innuendo.
So to all parents of little children, and children ranging from all ages, your kids may know more than you think. With shows like “Jessie” on Disney channel, having a little kid under the age 8 at least, mentioning bras already, kids aren’t to far behind from getting into the basics of the other stuff as well. It’s kind of like trying to shield your kids ears from all the cursing done around you every day. Sometimes you accidentally walk by an enraged person and then a bad word slips from their lips, and you didn’t even have time to create a distraction for your little child. That actually reminds me of something I witnessed the other day at the gym. These men were all upset because one pair of men wanted to use the racket ball court, but another pair of men reserved it. One of them happened to be uttering a curse word in a big bad wolf scary kind of tone, just as a lady and her two adorable little boys passed between them. One of the little boys heard, and got scared and inched a little closer to his mom as they kept on their way. The mom chuckled a little as her voice was still laced with empathy when she asked the little boy “did that scare you?”.
It’s inevitable, we all are going to find out about those kinds of things in life no matter what. We can’t help it, it’s all around us.

Bye readers, I hope you all have a great day :).

Women celebrities these days

Here is the rant I promised you in the last post ;). I’ll repeat the topic for those of you who didn’t read that post. I was going to talk about the dress code and behavior of today’s women in this society. I think I’m actually going to just write about the behavior.
The other day I pulled up a page with lyrics to a song, so I could sing along. Call me weird for doing that, but I am just not a person who feels comfortable awkwardly mumbling once I realized I sang a part of a song, out loud wrong, trying to play it off as humming. But as I was saying about the webpage, off to the side of the page there were advertisements of related videos. One read ‘Rihanna twerking in a Marie Antoinette wig’. Of course curiosity got the best of me and I clicked to see the costume, and to see what rhianna’s personal style of twerking looked like. I immediately turned it off when I started to get uncomfortable watching people dancing almost fully naked, splashing their bare asses against some water to get those liquids flowing for men and that poor puddle of water they contaminated with their rear end. Then you get to the clip of rhinanna with her “classy” jewels covering her otherwise bare body. She proceeds to stand facing towards her ‘thrown’ (I mentally rolled my eyes as I thought wtf??), and she holds on to it as she gyrates her hips towards the poor chair.
I know men get can get turned on by twerking, it’s a primal thing I guess. I just can’t see how women shaking their asses up and down for all of the public to see, makes them somehow feel that that show was in any way specially for them. Could you guys just take an actual look at the video and analyze it a bit more. Women are such attention whores these days, or they’re just doing it because they want you to spend money to get their songs and buy their music videos on iTunes so you have an instant video clip to defer to whenever you feel the urge to ‘toss one off’. Think about if this was your girlfriend, would you really want a girl trying to take money from you, you would see right through it, but these women are just trying to make a living, we shouldn’t judge them for their artistic flare. Oh and also their outward prostitution of their bodies……
Think about how you would feel if rhianna was your girlfriend and men all over the world were getting off on the video of her twerking. Or the attention aspect of this all, no guy likes a girl who is a “me, me, me” kind of person, they would think she is self centered girl.
Now I don’t completely hate Rihanna or anything. I like some of her songs, and I think that when she wears a baseball cap, a hoodie, with long curly hair, she looks like a chill, nice person. I’ve just not come to grasp with why one must twerk in their music video in order for it to be of any higher quality.
Another problem is that now some popular videos on YouTube, vine, and other apps by which you can upload videos, are videos of kids of all age twerking. I’ve seen kids as young as 11 probably, twerking in a video that was shared to the public. Teenage girls are doing it and then posting it to their Facebook pages or other social media accounts in attempts to grasp the attention of the other sex, by using their twerking abilities. Of course that is only going to lead to attention from shallow, thoughtless guys, who just want them for the way their body looks or moves.
I don’t hate twerking in general, but what I do hate is women posting it for any guy’s eyes. Making sexual motions with your body like that should only be showcase for a boyfriend or husband. Some religions think that even showing your hair is an intimate thing, so they make their women wear hijabs. And here we are letting people post these kinds of videos on websites for any man to see.
It’s like Kim kardashian posing for playboy. All those men who looked at those pictures probably found the nearest empty room right away. But I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that if any of those men had the chance to date Kim kardashian that they probably wouldn’t want her to ever pose nude again while in a relationship with her. They’d probably want to have her body to themselves to fully enjoy.
I know that the porn industry isn’t going to shut down, and girls won’t stop twerking, and celebrities won’t keep their music videos classy. I just really wish that sex wasn’t advertised as purely for pleasure, and that it comes plentifully, so don’t savor it. Since when has the view of sex changed from “between man and wife” to “any stranger you find hot, just bang them, because it’s only for pleasure,” or detached from the view “to connect with the one you love, on a deeper level, to draw you two closer together.”

Goodbye fellow bloggers. I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you didn’t, I hope I didn’t offend you in any way. This is just another rant of my view on another random topic :p.

Press pause or reset

Do you press pause or reset? When two people date for a few months or longer, but then breakup, what do they do if they get back together? Is it assumed that you resume where you left off, or clear the slate, pushing a further commitment farther in the future?
This situation was brought up in a show that I’ve mentioned before, called “how I met your mother”. The main character Ted was dating a girl that I shall keep anonymous (for fellow HIMYM watchers who haven’t seen the episode), and she kept dropping hints about a further commitment. Because she felt that the months they dated before should count as well.
Personally I think that you should probably resume rather than reset. You already know each other, and how you’ve felt before. If you both come back together agreeing that you made a mistake and are meant to be together, you shouldn’t wait and wait before you commit further. Although you should delve into what the cause of your break up was. Leaving that problem behind could just cause it to resurface later on in your relationship.

That’s all I can think of on that topic for now, but if you have your own points on why you should reset or press pause feel free to comment below :p.

Bye my fellow bloggers :).